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7.15am Hot Vinyasa @ Third Space Wood Wharf

1pm Yin @ Third Space Canary Wharf


6.30am Hot Vinyasa @ Third Space Tower Bridge

7.30am Hot Hatha @ Third Space Tower Bridge

8.30am Hot Yin @ Third Space Tower Bridge


9.45am Vinyasa @ Yoga House

7.30pm Yin @ Mica Yoga


9.30am Hatha @ Kindred Yoga


8.45am Energising Vinyasa @ Oru Space

10.30am Dynamic Vinyasa @ Oru Space

About my classes

My yoga classes are suitable for anyone that has a desire for a healthier and more fulfilling life. Whether you are a yoga Jedi or a yoga virgin, my classes are highly likely to leave you feeling better than when you arrived. 

I prioritise teaching more than just postures and always endeavour to share philosophy in my classes, making it as relevant for people living in the twenty-first century as I’m able to. I’m not an overly intellectual person, so I don’t use big, long, complicated words, instead I try and make this age-old philosophy, that has transformed my life, as accessible as possible.

Alongside this, you can still expect a complete āsana (posture) practice that, in it’s completeness looks to invigorate, ground and balance. Whilst working to create a non-judgmental and inclusive setting for every practice, I like to maintain a sense of humour and playfulness so that we can all have a good time. I like to do most things with a smile and yoga is no different.

 I have to break it to you, yoga is about flexibility, although more a flexibility of the mind rather than the body. I often hear the words: “I’m not flexible enough to take a yoga class”. Did you ever hear anyone say “I’m not dirty enough to take a shower”? I highly doubt it. I firmly believe that yoga is for everyone, but that not every posture is for everyone, not every class, not every teacher or style, and therefore the practice requires a continuous curiosity into what works for each individual. 

Yoga is a personal practice and I encourage a continual discovery process, so that students can be aware of their ever-changing needs.


Whether you are looking to heal, to have fun, to experience, to strengthen, to develop, to deepen, to get fit, to bond or to socialise – I hope that my classes can be the perfect place to start. Take a deep breath, show up for yourself and choose the path that excites your spirit the most.

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Warning, yoga may cause feelings of increased health and happiness

© All work is copyright of Sammy Rainbow Furnival 2023

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